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Less Clicks
Speedy Sales
More Money


Close all your Opportunities from Outlook using AI

a sales agents very excited and happy af

How it works

Time is money

and we save both

Just wave the magic AI wand and sync your Salesforce data from Outlook

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Dealing with multiple Opportunities per account?


Reduce manual work

You are not paid for updating Salesforce. You are paid for hitting your sales quota. 

Leave boring work for us!

Why leave your inbox?

Spending most of your time in inbox? 
Don't worry we transform your inbox into a complete CRM

Side view of app
Create records from Outlook

Maintain single data source

Unleash full potential of data by maintaining a single source of truth.

Every data loss is a revenue loss.

Use power of Generative AI

Use AI to analyse all the Salesforce data and get clear insights.​​

What it used to take hours will now take seconds!

email tracking dashboard image

Our Customers

Why companies love Mavlon?

"Absolute time saver for us! Can't imagine using Salesforce without Mavlon. Must have tool for every business."

Josh Perry
Head of Sales at


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